Release Notes
Biologit MLM-AI Release Notes
Last updated
Biologit MLM-AI Release Notes
Last updated
Performance improvements on Article navigation and Find Reviews
Reports: Report submission now allows the selection of multiple monitors
Reports: Can now send report output to designated emails, per Settings
QC Sampling rate: new 5% sampling rate option now available
Article Search now supports running large query strings (previousy failing with "Bad Request")
Enhancement: Alternative PDF view
Files requiring rotation can be visualized using the default browser viewer, by clicking the PDF
Users with work assignment permissions now can assign articles directly from the Article Detail screen
Clicking the assignment icon (top right) will open the asignment dialog
This is a maintenance release introducing the following enhancements
Hide auxiliary tabs: when in Work Assignment mode the number of tabs visible to users by default can be reduced to minimize clutter. This is a system setting under "Advanced Screening"
Fix: on certain cases the a "red" lock could be displayed in Article Detail screen (visual issue only, does not affect locking behavior)
Monitor export/import functionality not importing across environments
Article lock icon sometimes not showing user details (locking still works as expected)
This is a maintenance release introducing minor fixes and improvements:
Fix: When creating a copy of a monitor based on a query string, user defined keywords need to be re-defined manually
Fix: Creating a copy of a patient record in the E2B tab may sometimes ignore edited fields
This is a maintenance release introducing minor fixes and enhancements:
Fix: on certain cases a review that retrieved no results would not automatically move from the "In Progress" to "Completed" tab
Fix: Downloading E2B/Zip exports from an article now produces unique file names
Fix: When inspecting a monitor details from the Review tab, it will correctly display ISSN filter information
Fix: Uploads of EMA Excel files
From the Batch Review screen users can choose additional fields corresponding to other citation details like journal, publication dates, etc:
Source filters is a monitor configuration that allows users to exclude "non-relevant" articles from review and focus on screening of "relevant" articles only. Learn more about the feature in Source Filters.
Other Enhancements
Fix: faster rendering of uploaded PDF articles
Fix: Performance issue when clicking the "Processing" tab in the Reviews summary page.
We are rolling out support for automatic machine translations as a Beta feature. Users interesting in evaluating machine translation for their workflows can enable the feature from the Settings page.
Select the biologit
machine translation vendor:
Once enabled, articles with title and abstract not in English will display an option to request a translation:
The Machine Translation feature is free to use during Beta. Please contact support for more details on future translation charges.
🎉Enhancement: Article Search Advanced Features
The Article Search page now includes a number of enhancements:
Query syntax checking as you type
Suggested medication synonyms for expansion
Export results as csv
Compare mode to investigate the effects of adding/removing query terms
Analyze mode to get insights on query hit volume over time
This is a maintenance release covering various small fixes and enhancements:
Fix: monitors are consistently listed in alphabetical order in all drop down selectors (submission, reports, etc)
Fix: Do not show DOI badge in Article Search when citation has no DOI data
Enhancement: validation of email addresses when creating new users
Enhancement: the Reports module now contains new tabs to prevent clutter of old report runs.
On submission, users can quickly search their results in the "Recent" tab
Users can also search any previously run report in the "Find Reports" tab
🎉E2B R3 Now Available
Learn more in the E2B Configuration Guide.
🎉More space for entering your decision
A new, optional decision window is available for cases where more space is needed to enter screening decisions. This view also shows the complete audit trail of the article as a reference. Users can access it from the pop-up icon from the Article Detail screen:
🎉Making Aggregate Report Submissions Easier!
It is now possible to obtain a MS Word report of selected articles to be used for submissions such as aggregate reporting, CERs and others. From the reports module select the Decisions Summary Report:
The report output is in editable MS-Word containing a citation summary along with assessor review decisions:
🎉New Database: MEDES
MEDES has become a new literature source that is being ingested into MLM-AI database. In order to start retrieving articles from a new database in your searches, create a new monitor or update an already existing one to include MEDES into a list of sources:
While using Article Search, just make sure the checkbox located near MEDES label is selected:
Find Articles ➡️ Batch Review
With the Find Articles search, it is possible to search results by monitors, date, assessment decisions or any criteria allowed in the review search box. It is now possible to review results from Find Articles in batch mode. This is useful for consolidating review or QC activities in a single operation.
Export Articles as ZIP
A new zip
format is available to download from the Article details screen including Article HTML
export, all attachments and E2B data (if available).
🎉New Feature: Dashboards (beta)
Accessible from the menu on the left, dashboards provide a new way to analyze data retrieved and screened inside MLM-AI. They show total daily literature volumes, volumes by tags including case reports, suspected AE special situations, animal/in-vitro and many else.
Additional visualizations coming soon, let us know your feedback!
Enhancement: Assign articles from the detail screen
New Feature - Extra Annotations: Monitors can be configured with additional fields to help users capture customized data during assessment.
New Feature - Password auto-lock: this functionality prevents account break-in attempts by temporarily locking the account after too many failed logins. This is a system configuration that administrators can setup via the Settings page. Learn more more on Security Settings.
New Feature: Track Day Zero per Article
It is now possible to track regulatory "day zero" (day information became available for assessment) per article. Learn more in:
Enhancement: See Additional Citation Columns in Batch Review
New Feature: Source Filters
New feature: Decision Rules - Multi-stage workflows can be configured with decision rules to control options available to users at each stage, such as allowing only "Preliminary" decisions initially and "Final" decisions only after preliminary ones are recorded.
New feature: Related Articles - Biologit MLM-AI helps streamline assessments by identifying related articles that appear in multiple monitor results, preventing duplicate work and improving assessment quality.
Automated machine translation of abstracts (in Beta)
Biologit MLM-AI has extended support of E2B XML exports to include the of the specification, ensuring smoother integration with systems that require this version of the E2B spec.