
Analyze data screened in MLM-AI with powerful dashboards

biologit MLM-AI provides the ability to visualize trends and aggregated information about the literature screening process through dashboards. These are available from the Dashboards link from the main menu.

Access: Dashboards view is available to Administrators and members of teams with Monitor management privileges. Depending on a dashboard, a user might also need Reviews and Reports management access. More details could be found under the Permissions section.


  • Choose a target dashboard and click on a blue filter button

  • Fill in the parameters, like start and end date, monitor, etc.

  • Click Find. Once data is retrieved, it will show up on the dashboard

Table View and Downloads

  • You can enable Chart and Table views by clicking the respective chart/table icons near the filter.

  • Data can also be exported using the Download icon. The dashboard exports (Charts view) or Excel (Table view)

Available Dashboards


Result Trends

Screening Volume: Returns a number of articles retrieved in MLM-AI searches on a given day for a given monitor

  • Start date

  • End date

  • Monitors

Result Trends

Screening Volume AI Tags: For a single monitor, shows a number of articles retrieved on a given day by associated AI tags

  • Start date

  • End date

  • Monitor

Assessment Insights

Decision Breakdown: Compare decisions recorded for a group of monitors and date range

  • Start date

  • End date

  • Monitors

Last updated