Article Screening

AI powered screening, save assessments according to your workflow in fully auditable workflow

In this page, all details of the citation are presented in order for users to complete their assessment. Here, users can:

  • Record their screening decisions according to the desired workflow (Individual Case Safety Reports, Signal detection, etc)

  • Upload supporting documentation as attachments: full text articles, translations.

  • Enter adverse reaction information for case processing, and export as an E2B file

  • Review all decisions recorded by users in chronological order in the Audit Log

  • Article decisions for ICSR, aggregate reporting and signal detection.

The Main tab in the displays citation details: title, abstract and keywords, and a side bar with navigation, highlighting and input fields for recording decisions:

Tip: To make more room for abstracts at the screening page try collapsing the left menus. See the navigation help page for tips on how to do that.

Use the arrows to navigate to previous/next articles according to the criteria selected in the Review Details screen.

Click the filter icon to see a summary of chosen sort and filter options in use. (recall that selected tab, filters and sort options "follow" the user to the detail screen)

Highlighted Annotations

MLM-AI automatically annotates the abstract for patient information, special situations, medications, etc. You can toggle highlights on/off for these annotations to help screen abstracts quicker.

  • Any identifiable patients immediately found in the abstract can be found with the patient highlighter:

Identifiable patients may also be found in the full text of the article (but not the abstract) depending on the type of study. The suspected case AI tag is used to predict such occurrences. See more details in MLM-AI Concepts

  • Sections of interest relate to passages in the abstract where adverse events descriptions are likely to be discussed

  • The Target highlighter indicates the target product, while the Medications highlighter indicates all other medications mentioned in the abstract.

  • The special situation highlighter will indicate any occurrence of terms related to pregnancy, elderly or pediatric uses, occupational exposure, drug misuse, etc:

Saving Decisions

When screening is done, add results and click Submit. The decision pane provides a number of options to suit your workflow:

  • The Serious Event, Aggregate Reporting and Safety Signal checkboxes to mark articles of interest for later reporting

  • Select one or more special situations relevant to the abstract

  • Select one or more categories (exclusions)

    • When the review decision is of type "Not ICSR - Exclusion Required", selecting at least one category is mandatory

  • You can optionally add free text commenting on your decision

The decisions list and values for categories and special situations are configurable. Learn more in the Monitor Configuration section.

Expand Decision View

An expanded view of the decision window is available by clicking the widget next to the Submit button:

Clicking on it opens an expanded view which also shows the article audit log for reference. This view is useful when the comments box requires more space for editing:

Tips for Faster Screening

When saving screening decisions, users can type into the drop down to narrow the available options:

Selecting Next Article on Submit using the settings toolbox will automatically move to the next article to screen after saving a decision.

Page Locking

When Article page locking is enabled, users will see a lock icon indicating lock status:

  • A green lock means the article has been locked by the user and editing is allowed

  • A red lock means the article is locked by another user, editing the article is not allowed.

After a configured number of seconds, users will see a prompt warning the lock on the page is about to expire. This ensures articles don't remain locked indefinitely:

Editing Annotations

Users can modify the annotations presented by MLM-AI and save their changes. This information can be used in later stages of case management.

The highlighter toolbox on the right-side menu allows users to add and remove annotations as needed:

  • Select the "editor" tool and select text with the mouse anywhere in the abstract to display the annotations pop-up

  • Select the "eraser" tool and select any highlighter to remove it

Reviewing Changes

The Data tab summarizes captured terms by category.

  • Removing a term from this page will remove all the annotations for that term

  • Clicking the Reset button restores the original annotations captured by MLM-AI

Any changes will be saved together with the article decision when user clicks the Submit button.

Attachments and Full Text Screening

From the Attachments tab it is possible to upload related files to the assessment (full text, notes, translations) from your desktop. Attachments help consolidate and make visible all relevant assessment information in a single place.

Users can directly review full articles by uploading the corresponding article pdf

  • Only valid pdf files that under 50mb in size are supported

After uploading the system will process and render the file. Progress can be monitored from the Attachments tab.

Once complete the article will be viewable by clicking the green eye icon:

Or by navigating to the Main tab and switching subtab to the full text that you recently uploaded.

From this view some relevant annotations and highlights are provided to assist users to review the article.

Article Details

Additional information about the article such as authors, journal and publication date are available from the "Details" tab. This tab will also provide external links to the article and full text (if freely available).

Email Article

From this screen articles can be shared out to an approved (to add to this list please contact your system administrator) list of recipients using the button highlighted below:

The Audit Log

All decisions saved by users or automatically generated by MLM-AI will be timestamped and recorded in the article's audit log ("Audit Log" tab):

Exporting Data

It is possible to export article and assessment data in various formats. From the Article screen the download icon presents possible options:

Formats available:

  • Excel containing article and assessment decision data. The "QC" version includes a column view of all recorded decisions for the article

  • HTML containing the article abstract and latest assessment decision (if any)

  • E2B export in XML format (see E2B section below)

  • ZIP: A single zip file containing:

    • HTML version of the abstract

    • E2B XML (if enabled)

    • All associated attachments


When screening for cases, it may be useful to also record detailed adverse reaction information from the article. Reaction data can be directly exported as an E2B XML file in either R2 or R3 formats, for processing in a safety database.

  • In the E2B tab you can create one or more patients corresponding to cases from the article by clicking "Add Patient"

  • Each patient can be populated with verbatim information describing the event

  • MLM-AI will suggest terms for patient, medication and events, based on highlights from the abstract text

  • MLM-AI will auto-populate reporter as the article's main author

Reactions are exported into the "E2B" export format only for articles with a confirmed ICSR decision (See also Custom Workflows).

Once data is saved, an E2B R2 or R3 XML file can be generated directly from the download icon in the article page:

See also E2B Configuration section in the Settings page

Last updated