Uploading Review Data
Use MLM-AI to screen results of search results from external databases like PubMed, ProQuest or Embase
Last updated
Use MLM-AI to screen results of search results from external databases like PubMed, ProQuest or Embase
Last updated
It is possible to upload literature search results exported from an external database:
Use this option to perform literature screening using data from proprietary third party data sources
All of MLM-AI's screening, auditing and AI-based automation features can be used on uploaded results
Currently, it is possible to upload results exported from these systems:
PubMed email alerts in nbib reference format as eml
email file
RIS citation management export, or csv
RIS citation management export
Excel export
EMA (Excel)
Eudravigilance EMA MLM files for consolidation
For convenience, uploading files can be done in bulk saving time in routine weekly uploads of search results.
Select Upload as the review type
You can drag files directly from your desktop anywhere into the area marked as "Drag and Drop files here"
Once files are uploaded, configure them by mapping to the Monitor, file type and start-end date of search results
Configuring uploads can be done one file at a time, or you can select multiple files and apply the same setting to all.
Example: if the source data for your files is always the same you can select one default value and apply to all
Select what files to apply defaults, then choose "Edit Selections"
In the Dialog, select default values for File format, Dates and Monitor (leave empty the fields you do not need default values for)
Click "Apply"
Complete filling any remaining fields as needed
Once entering parameters is complete, files can be Verified by clicking the "Verify" button. This will pre-process files to ensure the file format is correct and now rows are corrupted.
If successful, file status will change from "To Verify" to a green indicator of the number of records to be processed
Once verification is complete, the "Upload" button will become enabled and files can be uploaded
Uploaded files will generate new Reviews. They will be visible in the "Processing" tab in the Review Summary page, and will become available (ie. move to the "In-Progress" tab) once processing finishes.
From this point, results can then be normally screened, like any other Review produced by MLM-AI.
Uploaded records are identified by their unique ID from the source when uploaded
This ensures only a single record exists for the corresponding unique record from the source and facilitates duplicate detection
Therefore, subsequent uploads of citations with an existing unique ID do not create new records in the MLM-AI database
During the verification step, users can verify if repeated IDs are present in their upload file and if they will be discarded. Example:
Clicking the badge shows further details of specific IDs detected as already existing.
Article de-duplication is also available for uploaded data. Learn more in the Duplicate Detection page.
For PubMed, follow the steps for exporting into a citation management format
For Embase, refer to this guide for steps on how to search results
PubMed's .