Searching Inside a Review

Use the search box to select results inside a review for faster screening

In the Review Details and in Article Search the search box can be used to filter results using keywords, by tags and many other attributes.

Keyword Matching

The simplest method is just to type the key terms to be matched. These will be searched in the title, abstract and publication name:

Users can also search according to AI tags, screening decisions, comments and source data. Lets look at how this is possible with the results query language:

Query by Attribute

Results can be filtered by AI tag, contents of decision, author country of origin and many other attributes. They can also be combined in a single query.

Lets look at some examples:

Example Queries


Retrieve all articles tagged as "Suspected AE"

tag:ae (or tag:adverse)

Retrieve all articles containing the word "acetamoniphen" AND containing a patient mention (patient tag)

match:acetaminophen tag:patient

Retrieve articles NOT flagged as a special situation AND flagged as aggregate report

notag:special decision:aggregate

Only articles from PubMed


Articles where the main author affiliation is from Portugal OR Ireland OR Japan


Querying with Multiple Criteria

When adding different attributes in the same query, they are considered as an AND query


  • Match results with Suspect Adverse tag AND the keyword "acetaminophen" in contents

  • tag:adverse match:acetamoniphen

If different criteria are combined by a comma (,) they are treated like an OR search:


  • Results where main author is from US or Ireland or Portugal:

  • mainauthor:US,IE,PT

Finally, both methods can be combined for more sophisticated searches:

  • tag:adverse mainauthor:US,IE,PT

  • (results tagged as Suspect Adverse AND where the main author is from US or Ireland or Portugal)

Pre-defined Filters

Monitors can be configured with pre-defined filters that can later be used as shortcuts from the search box. This facilitates reusing complex queries.

👉 Check out the steps on how to configure pre-defined Monitor filters

In the example below there are two filters configured for the sample Monitor:

In the Review search box, the filters appear as shortcuts in place of the actual query. Once selected the configured query runs:

Reference: All Query Options

ParameterWhat it does
  • Match specified keyterms in article title and publication name

  • Use nomatch: for the opposite query.

  • Match only articles with a specific AI Tag. (for the opposite effect use notag:

  • Matches articles last updated by user matching <user> (use nouser: for the opposite query)

  • Matches articles from a given source (pubmed, doaj, crossref, etc.)

  • For the opposite query use nosource:

  • Matches the contents in article's comment section of the most recent screening decision (if any)

  • For the opposite query use nocomment:

  • Select specific review or QC decisions. Ex: decision:serious

  • For the opposite result use nodecision:



Query Options

match: <value>

Match specified keyterms in article title and publication name. This is also the default behavior when not using the param: <value syntax.

  • Usage: match:key terms


  • match:case

tag: <value>

Match only articles with a specific AI Tag. Tags can be specified as follows

  • Usage: tag:value


  • tag:ae (articles tagged "Suspected AE", can also use tag: adverse)

  • tag:patient (articles with a confirmed patient mention)

  • tag:special (articles tagged with any special situation)

  • tag:case (suspected case tag)

  • tag:keyword (articles matching user defined keywords configured in the monitor)

notag: <value>

Performs the inverse of tag: matches articles that do not contain stated tag.

  • notag:ae (articles not tagged "Suspected AE" )

by: <user>

Matches articles last updated by user matching <user>


  • by:mlmai

source: <source>

Matches articles from a given source (pubmed, doaj, crossref, etc.)


  • source:doaj


Matches the contents in article's comment section of the most recent screening decision (if any)


  • comment:duplicate


Matches articles with a specific review decision:


  • Serious events: decision:serious

  • Aggregate reporting: decision:agg

  • Safety signal: decision:signal

Decision labels from custom workflows are also accepted:

  • decision:Pending Translation

Note: use nodecision: to retrieve opposite results.

The search box is also available from the Find Articles screen, where users can search into multiple reviews based on a date range, or monitors

Last updated