Reviewing Articles in Related Reviews

Complete assessment only once when the same article appears on different monitor results

If your configuration contains multiple active monitors, you may see the same article present on different monitor results.

This can happen for example when an article discussing concomitant products is returned, and these products have been configured as separate monitors.

In biologit MLM-AI, a related article is an article that appears in the results of more than one monitor.

Users can streamline the assessment of related articles, preventing duplicate work and increasing quality of assessments.

Navigate to a Related Article

Any time a related article is found in another monitor result, it is presented to the user with an additional drop down:

Select the monitor name from the drop down to directly navigate to the related article in the corresponding review.

Alternatively the "Related" tab presents details of the related article, including the review ID and recorded decision (if any), with links to navigate to the article.

Saving Assessments for Multiple Articles

To streamline assessments, users can enter their decision once and save to all selected related articles in a single operation.

This is useful when the assessment decision is common to all articles. For example: no safety event is found and same exclusions apply to all related articles.

  • From the Related Articles drop down, select all monitors where the decision will apply. The "Submit" button will change to "Review and Submit":

  • Click on "Review and Submit", where the common decision can be entered:

  • Click "Submit" to save the same decision on all articles.

Pre Requisites

  • User must have permissions to save decisions on all monitors where the related article appeared

  • The monitors for each related article must have same workflow decisions

Last updated