Custom Workflows

Customize screening decisions to suit your workflow


The standard workflow in Biologit MLM-AI supports ICSR screening with a number of common, predefined "pending" stages (full text, translation, author follow up).

The default values are pre-defined in the Workflow tab in the Settings page, however they can be fully customized at system or monitor level to suit your screening workflows.

Customizing Workflows

Screening workflows can be configured a follows:

  • Add as many screening decisions as needed

  • Each screening decision is made of:

    • A label, indicating the choice presented to users, and shown on reports

    • A type, indicating how the system should behave for a particular screening decision

System-Wide or Monitor-Specific Workflows

Workflow customizations are supported on two levels:

  • In the Settings tab: every new monitor will use the "default" workflow configured in the Workflow tab

  • As part of the Monitor setup: affects only the specific monitor

Decision Types

Decision types affect how MLM-AI handles the specific screening decision. The table below outlines how decision types work:


Reviewed - ICSR

Article considered screened and flagged as an ICSR

  • Appears in "Reviewed" tab

  • Exported in E2B files

Reviewed - Exclusion Required

Article considered screened; not flagged as ICSR

  • Appears in "Reviewed" tab

  • Requires one or more exclusion categories when saving

  • Not exported in E2B files

Reviewed - Other

Article considered screened; not flagged as ICSR

  • Appears in "Reviewed" tab

  • Not exported in E2B files


Article pending further action in order to complete screening

  • Appears in "Pending" tab


In the below example, the workflow does not require screening for ICSR (Individual Case Safety Reports) and can therefore be simplified. We configure a sample monitor with the following workflow:

  • A single "Pending" decision (Pending further information)

  • "Valid for Signal" - this decision indicates the article has been reviewed, no further action needed

  • "Not relevant" - this decision the article has been reviewed and will require at least one exclusion to justify the decision.

Reviews for this monitor will present users with the following screening choices:

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