
Generate audit and screening activity reports for all your needs

biologit MLM-AI supports extensive reporting of screening actions and system activity from its audit log. The reporting module is accessible from the Reports link from the main menu.

Reports access: To have access to reports users must be Administrators or be part of a team with the Reports management system privileges. Learn more on the Permissions section.

To submit a new report:

  • Click on Submit Report button on top right.

  • Reports are grouped into categories. Select category and report to run (see table below)

  • Enter any report parameters as appropriate.

  • Select delivery settings:

    • Reports can be automatically sent by email to the requesting user or to a team.

    • Alternatively reports will be available for download from the user interface.

Available Reports



System Activity Log

Reports all system actions (configuration changes, report submissions) from the audit trail, for a given time period


Failed Logins

Reports on failed login attempts for a given time period


Review Activity

Reports all review-related administrative actions (review submit, upload, status changes) for a given time period

Screening Activity

Reviews Activity

Complete log of screening activities for a given monitor (or all monitors) and time period

Screening Activity

Reviews Summary

Summary status of all reviews for a given monitor (or all monitors) and time period

Screening Activity

Decision Summary Report

(MS Word)

MS Word report of selected citations by date range, monitor and decision. The report includes citation and assessor details.

System Configuration


Export of all Monitor definitions

System Configuration

Users and Teams

Export of all configured users and corresponding teams

System Configuration

Monitors to Team Permissions

Mapping of monitors to teams and their roles (review or QC)

Data Archiving

Archive completed reviews

Moves all reviews in Completed status to Archived, for a given monitor and minimum review age

Report Results

After submission, reports are queued for processing and will become available in the Recent tab once done. As reports complete, older runs can be found from the Find Reports tab.

Reports can be downloaded via the links indicated below. Report execution logs can also be downloaded.

Last updated